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Conference date Conference name Research area'Own contributions' link to presentations and posters, additional data is provided when I participated in conference organisation.
2. International Conference on Materials for Energy & Environmental Engineering (ICM3E 2024)Algiers, Algeria (online contribution), Nov 26-28, 2024Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Growth of Bulk Single Crystals of Novel Semiconductor Materials (AlN, Ga2O3, etc.) for Next Generation Efficient Power Electronics"
Berlin-Adlershof, Oct 9-10, 2024Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Bulk Crystals for Novel Semiconductors Prepared at IKZ: Gallium Oxide and Beyond"
13. German-French Workshop on Oxide, Dielectric, and Laser Crystals (WODIL 2024)Grenoble, France, Sep 18-19, 2024(no own contribution)
8. European Conference on Crystal Growth (ECCG-8)Warsaw, Poland, Jul 21-25, 2024Own contribution: Poster about "Co-doping Effects on Anti-Stokes Fluorescence Cooling in Yb:YLF"Own contribution: Poster about "Growth and Investigation of Hexagallate Substrate Crystals for Strain-engineered Functional Oxide layers"
Annual conference of the DGKK (DKT 2024)Erlangen, Mar 6-8, 2024Own contribution: Poster about "Co-doping Effects on Anti-Stokes Fluorescence Cooling in Yb:YLF"
DGKK workshop on "Bulk Semiconductor Crystals"Erlangen, Oct 4-5, 2023(no own contribution)
HU Berlin, Sep 21-22, 2023
DFG Research Group FOR 5044 Summer SchoolIKZ Berlin, Sep 6-8, 2023Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung - Innovations in & by Crystalline Materials"
6. International Workshop on UV Materials and Devices 2023 (IWUMD 2023)Metz, France, June 5-8, 2023Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Gallium Oxide Bulk Crystals Prepared by the Czochralski Method, (100) Substrates, and Homoepitaxy Results"
50th Anniversary Symposium of the Dutch Association for Crystal Growth (DACG50)Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Mar 20-22, 2023Own contribution: Invited talk about "Crystals, Substrates, and Technologies for Ga2O3 and Functional Oxides"
DGKK workshop on "Materials with Correlated Electrons"IFW Dresden, Oct 6-7, 2022(no own contribution)
DGKK workshop on "Bulk Semiconductor Crystals"Freiberg/Saxony, Oct 5-6, 2022Own contribution: Invited talk about "Bulk β-Ga2O3 Single Crystals Grown by the Czochralski Method"Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Favorable Growth Conditions and Diameter Enlargement of Bulk AlN Single Crystals Grown by Physical Vapor Transport"
11. German-French Workshop on Oxide, Dielectric, and Laser Crystals (WODIL 2022)Lyon, France, Sep 15-16, 2022Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Bulk Single Crystals of Transparent Semiconducting Oxides"
7. European Conference on Crystal Growth (ECCG-7)Paris, France, Jul 25-27, 2022Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Preparation of Perovskite, Pyrochlore and Magnetoplumbite Crystals for Advanced Functional Oxides"Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Favorable Growth Conditions and Diameter Enlargement of Bulk AlN Single Crystals Grown by Physical Vapor Transport"
Berlin, May 29-Jun 2, 2022
IKZ Berlin, Oct 6-8, 2021
10. German-French Workshop on Oxide, Dielectric, and Laser Crystals (WODIL 2021)Idar-Oberstein, Sep 16-17, 2021Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Substrate Crystals for Advanced Functional Oxides"
Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference of the OSA (ASSL 2021)online (planned for Toronto, Canada), Sep 13-16, 2021
Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference of the OSA (ASSL 2020)online (planned for Quebec, Kanada), Oct 12-16, 2020
IKZ Berlin, Sep 17-18, 2020Own contribution: Poster about "Oxides and Fluorides at IKZ"
Munich-Garching, Mar 11-13, 2020Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Crystal Growth of Oxides and Fluorides at the IKZ"
IEEE Milestone Event in Memorandum of Jan Czochralski at the HTWBerlin, Nov 15, 2019Own contribution: Invited talk about "Jan Czochralski and the Decisive Impact of his Invention on Modern Technology"
IKZ Berlin, Oct 9-10, 2019Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Crystals and Substrates for Semiconducting Oxide Applications"
8. German-French Workshop on Oxide, Dielectric, and Laser Crystals (WODIL 2019)Lyon, France, Sep 19-20, 2019(no own contribution)
18. Conference on Defects-Recognition, Imaging and Physics in Semiconductors (DRIP-18)Berlin, Sep 8-12, 2019
1st International Workshop on AlGaN based UV-Laserdiodes (IWUVLD 2019)Berlin, Aug 26-30, 2019Own contribution: Invited talk about "Native AlN substrates"
Poznan, Poland, Mar 17-21, 2019(no own contribution)
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2018 (IWN 2018)Kanazawa, Japan, Nov 11-16, 2018Own contribution: Invited talk about "On the preparation of AlN single crystals and substrates for AlGaN devices"
DGKK workshop on "Bulk Semiconductor Crystals"University of Erlangen, Oct 10-11, 2018(no own contribution)
Warsaw, Poland, Sep 17-20, 2018
7. German-French Workshop on Oxide, Dielectric, and Laser Crystals (WODIL 2018)FEE Idar-Oberstein, Sep 13-14, 2018Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Crystals and Substrates for Semiconducting Oxide Applications"
ICULTA 2018 - IUVA-AUVL Joint International Conference UV LED Technologies & Applications (ICULTA 2018)Berlin, Apr 22-25, 2018(no own contribution)
2. International Workshop on UV Materials and Devices 2017 (IWUMD 2017)Fukuoka, Japan, Nov 14-18, 2017Own contribution: Invited talk about "Status and Challenges of AlN Bulk Crystal Growth for Use as Substrates in Deep-UV Applications"
17. Conference on Defects-Recognition, Imaging and Physics in Semiconductors (DRIP-17)Valladolid, Spain, Oct 8-12, 2017Own contribution: Invited talk about "Defects in AlN Bulk Crystal Substrates for UV LEDs and Lasers"
6. German-French Workshop on Oxide, Dielectric, and Laser Crystals (WODIL 2017)Bordeaux, France, Sep 14-15, 2017(no own contribution)
Potsdam, Jul 2-6, 2017
Compound Semiconductor Week 2017 (CSW 2017)Berlin, May 14-18, 2017Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Status of AlN Bulk Crystal Growth for Use as Substrates in Deep-UV Applications"
92. Annual Meeting of the German Ceramic Society (DKG 2017)TU Berlin, Jul 19-22, 2017Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Oxide and Nitride Single Crystals for Novel Optical and Electronic Applications"
University of Freiburg, Mar 8-10, 2017Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Status of AlN Bulk Crystal Growth for Use as Substrates in Deep-UV Applications"
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2016 (IWN 2016)Orlando, Florida, USA, Oct 2-7, 2016Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of Deep UV AlGaN Devices on Bulk AlN Substrates"Own contribution: Poster about "Strongly Enhanced Deep UV Transparency of AlN Bulk Crystals Grown by Physical Vapor Transport"
Warsaw, Poland, Sep 19-22, 2016
IKZ Berlin, Sep 15-16, 2016
IKZ Berlin, Sep 7-9, 2016
Annual conference of the DGKK (DKT 2016)University of Dresden, Mar 16-18, 2016(no own contribution)
DGKK workshop on "Epitaxy of III-V Semiconductors"Göttingen, Dec 10-11, 2015Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Bulk AlN Substrates for Deep-UV Optoelectronic Applications"
6. International Symposium on the Growth of Nitrides (ISGN-6)Hamamatsu, Japan, Nov 8-12, 2015Own contribution: Invited talk about "Deep UV Transparent AlN Substrates with High Crystalline Perfection for Optoelectronic Devices"Own contribution: Poster about "Preparation of Semi-insulating and Weak n-type Conducting AlN Substrates"
9. International Workshop on Bulk Nitride Semiconductors (IWBNS-IX)Oak Valley, Wonju, South Korea, Nov 2-6, 2015Own contribution: Invited talk about "Tailoring Electrical and Optical Properties of AlN During Seeded AlN Bulk Growth"
IKZ Berlin, Oct 7-8, 2015
European Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2015 (Symposium H) (EMRS Fall 2015)Warsaw, Poland, Sep 15-18, 2015Own contribution: Invited talk about "Bulk Aluminium Nitride Substrates Tailored for Electronic Applications"
4. German-French Workshop on Oxide, Dielectrics and Laser Crystals (DGKK-Oxide 2015)ISL Saint-Louis, France, Sep 10-11, 2015Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Preparation of Oxide, Dielectric, and Laser Crystals at the Leibniz-Institute for Crystal Growth (IKZ) Berlin"
Annual Conference of the DGKK (DKT 2015)University of Frankfurt, Mar 4-6, 2015(no own contribution)
39. International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (Focus Session FS 5) (ICACC 2015)Daytona Beach, Florida, USA, Jan 25-30, 2015Own contribution: Invited talk about "Preparation and Properties of Bulk Aluminum Nitride (AlN) Crystals and Substrates"
DGKK workshop on "Bulk Semiconductor Crystals"University of Freiberg/Saxony, Oct 8-9, 2014Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Vom AlN-Kristall zum UV-C-Laser: Erste Ergebnisse zu Wafering, Epitaxie und Bauelementherstellung auf AlN-Substraten des IKZ"
3. German-French Workshop on Oxide, Dielectric, and Laser Crystals (WODIL 2014)FEE Idar-Oberstein, Sep 11-12, 2014(no own contribution)
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2014 (IWN 2014)Wroclaw, Poland, Aug 24-29, 2014Own contribution: Invited talk about "Seeded Bulk AlN Growth by the Physical Vapor Transport Method"
Berlin, June 15-19, 2014
European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2014 (Symposium W) (EMRS Spring 2014)Lille, France, May 26-30, 2014Own contribution: Invited talk about "Growth of AlN Bulk Crystals for AlGaN-based Devices"
Annual Conference of the DGKK (DKT 2014)Fraunhofer CSP, Halle, Mar 12-14, 2014(no own contribution)
8. International Workshop on Bulk Nitride Semiconductors (IWBNS-VIII)Kloster Seeon, Sep 30-Oct 5, 2013Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Technological Considerations for Seeded AlN Bulk Growth"
"Berlin WideBaSe" Consortium Application WorkshopBerlin, Sep 19-20, 2013Own contribution: Oral presentation about "AlN Substrates for Optoelectronic Devices"
10. International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-10)Washington, D.C., USA, Aug 25-30, 2013Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Influence of Seed Orientation on Structural and Optical Properties of Homoepitaxial Grown Bulk AlN Single Crystals"
19. American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE-19)Keystone, Colorado, USA, Jul 21-26, 2013Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Current Topics in Sublimation Growth of Bulk Aluminum Nitride (AlN)"
Annual Conference of the DGKK (DKT 2013)University of Erlangen, Mar 6-8, 2013(no own contribution)
DGKK workshop on "Epitaxy of III-V Semiconductors"Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen, Dec 5-6, 2012Own contribution: Invited talk about "AlN Volumenkristallzüchtung und Verunreinigungsproblematik"
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012 (IWN 2012)Sapporo, Japan, Oct 15-19, 2012(no own contribution)
6. European Space Agency - MOD Round Table Workshop on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors and ComponentsESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Oct 8-9, 2012Own contribution: Poster about "Sublimation Growth of Bulk Aluminium Nitride Single Crystals With High Structural Perfection"
9th International Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials (ROCAM 2012)Brasov, Romania, Aug 27-31, 2012Own contribution: Invited talk about "AlN Single Crystals as Substrates for Deep-UV Optoelectronics"
International Summer School on Crystal Growth and Photovoltaics (ISSCG 2012)Brasov, Romania, Aug 27-31, 2012Own contribution: Lecture about "Sublimation Growth of Wide Band-Gap Materials (SiC and AlN)"
TU Berlin, Mar 26-30, 2012(no own contribution)
Annual Conference of the DGKK (DKT 2012)University of Freiberg/Saxony, Mar 7-9, 2012(no own contribution)
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2011 (MRS Fall 2011)Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Nov 28-Dec 2, 2011(no own contribution)
DGKK workshop on "Bulk Semiconductor Crystals"Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen, Oct 5-6, 2011Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Aluminumnitrid (AlN)-Volumenkristallen und Substraten"
9. International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-9)Glasgow, Great Britain, July 10-15, 2011Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Faceting in AlN Bulk Crystal Growth and its Impact on Optical Properties"
5. International Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology (IWCGT-5)Berlin-Köpenick, Jun 26-30, 2011(no own contribution)
Slubice, Poland, Mar 14-18, 2011Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Faceting in AlN Bulk Crystal Growth and its Impact on Optical Properties"
DGKK workshop on "Bulk Semiconductor Crystals"University of Freiberg/Saxony, Oct 6-7, 2010Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Punktdefekte und chemische Analyse von AlN- und AlN-SiC-Einkristallen"
International Workshop on Nitride Seminconductors 2010 (IWN 2010)Tampa, Florida, USA, Sep 19-24, 2010Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Bulk Growth of AlN-SiC Mixed Crystals with Homogeneous Composition on Aluminum Nitride Substrates"Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Structural Defects in Aluminum Nitride Bulk Crystals Visualized by Cathodoluminescence Maps"Own contribution: Poster about "Thermally Stimulated Luminescence in Aluminium Nitride Crystals"
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Defects in SemiconductorsNew London, New Hampshire, USA, Aug 8-10, 2010Own contribution: Invited talk about "Growth Related Defects in Bulk AlN"
Annual Conference of the DGKK (DKT 2010)University of Freiburg, Mar 3-5, 2010(no own contribution)
DGKK workshop on "Epitaxy of III-V Semiconductors"Berlin, Dec 10-11, 2009(no own contribution)
8. International Conference about Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-8)Jeju, Korea, Oct 18-23, 2009Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Deep-UV Transparent Bulk Single-crystalline AlN Substrates"Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Sublimation Growth of Bulk Crystals of AlN-Rich (AlN)x(SiC)1-x Solid Solutions"
DGKK workshop on "Bulk Semiconductor Crystals"University of Freiberg/Saxony, Oct 7-8, 2009(no own contribution)
European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2009 (Symposium J) (EMRS Spring 2009)Strasbourg, France, Jun 8-12, 2009Own contribution: Oral presentation about "UV Transparent Single-crystalline Bulk AlN Substrates"
Annual Conference of the DGKK (DKT 2009)IFW Dresden, Mar 4-6, 2009Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Optische Eigenschaften und Punktdefekthaushalt in einkristallinen Substraten aus Aluminiumnitrid"
International Workshop on Nitride Seminconductors 2008 (IWN 2008)Montreux, Switzerland, Oct 5-10, 2008Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Point Defect content and Optical Transitions in Bulk Aluminum Nitride Crystals"Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Self-Compensation of Shallow Donors in AlN: High-Frequency EPR and ENDOR Studies"
International Materials Forum 2008 - Frontiers in Materials Science and TechnologyBayreuth, Aug 4-5, 2008(no own contribution)
Annual Conference of the DGKK (DKT 2008)University of Munich, Mar 5-7, 2008(no own contribution)
7. International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-7)Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Sep 16-21, 2007Own contribution: Poster about "Structural Properties of Aluminum Nitride Bulk Single Crystals Grown by PVT"
DGKK workshop on "Bulk Semiconductor Crystals"University of Freiberg/Saxony, Sep 12-13, 2007Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Aktueller Stand der AlN-Kristallzüchtung in Erlangen und Strukturelle Eigenschaften der AlN-Volumeneinkristalle"
European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2007 (Symposium G) (EMRS Spring 2007)Strasbourg, France, May 27-Jun 1, 2007Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Structural Properties and Defect-Selective Etching of Aluminum Nitride Substrates"
International Workshop on Nitride Seminconductors 2006 (IWN 2006)Kyoto, Japan, Oct 22-27, 2006Own contribution: Poster about "Defect-Selective Etching of Aluminum Nitride Single Crystals"
DGKK workshop on "Bulk Semiconductor Crystals"University of Freiberg/Saxony, Oct 11-12, 2006(no own contribution)
European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2006 (Symposium S) (EMRS Spring 2006)Nice, France, May 28-Jun 2, 2006Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Properties of Al-Polar PVT Grown Single-crystalline Aluminum Nitride"
DGKK workshop on "Bulk Semiconductor Crystals"University of Freiberg/Saxony, Oct 5-6, 2005Own contribution: Oral presentation about "AlN-Volumenkristallzüchtung - Aktueller Stand und offene Fragen"
6. International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-6)Bremen, Aug 28-Sep 2, 2005Own contribution: Poster about "Orientation-dependent Properties of Aluminum Nitride Single Crystals"
DGKK workshop on "Bulk Semiconductor Crystals"Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen, Apr 6-7, 2005Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Charakterisierung von freistehenden AlN-Einkristallen"
DGKK workshop on "III-V Semiconductors and SiC"University of Freiberg/Saxony, Oct 6-7, 2004Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Aktueller Stand bei der Herstellung von AlN-Volumeneinkristallen"
14. International Conference on Crystal Growth (ICCG-14)Grenoble, France, Aug 9-13, 2004Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Structural Properties of AlN Crystals Grown by Physical Vapor Transport"
International Workshop on Nitride Seminconductors 2004 (IWN 2004)Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul 19-23, 2004Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Comparative Study of the Initial Growth Stage in PVT Growth of AlN on SiC and on Native AlN Substrates"Own contribution: Poster about "Structural Properties of AlN Crystals Grown by Physical Vapor Transport"
7. Expert Evaluation and Control of Compound Semiconductor Materials and Technologies (EXMATEC 2004)Montpellier, France, Jun 2-5, 2004Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Growth and Characterization of Bulk AlN Substrates Grown by PVT"
Jena, Mar 15-19, 2004Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Strukturelle Eigenschaften von sublimationsgezüchteten AlN-Kristallen"
DGKK workshop on "III-V Semiconductors and SiC"University of Freiberg/Saxony, Oct 16-17, 2003Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Strukturelle, elektrische und optische Eigenschaften von AlN-Volumenkristallen"
10. International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2003 (ICSCRM 2003)Lyon, France, Oct 5-10, 2003Own contribution: Poster about "Structural, Optical, and Electrical Properties of Bulk AlN Crystals Grown by PVT"Own contribution: Poster about "Analysis of Different Vanadium Charge States in Vanadium Doped 6H-SiC by Low Temperature Optical Absorption and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance"
15. American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE-15)Keystone, Colorado, USA, Jul 20-24, 2003Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Oxygen in PVT Growth of Bulk AlN: Influence on Growth Process and Crystal Properties"
5. International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-5)Nara, Japan, May 25-30, 2003Own contribution: Oral presentation about "PVT Growth of Bulk AlN Crystals with Low Oxygen Contamination"
2nd French-German Crystal Growth Meeting (DKT 2003)Nancy, France, Mar 10-13, 2003Own contribution: Poster about "Oxygen in PVT Growth of Bulk AlN: Influence on Growth Process and Crystal Properties"
European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2002 (ECSCRM 2002)Linköping, Sweden, Sep 1-5, 2002Own contribution: Poster about "Electrical and Optical Characterization of p-Type Boron Doped 6H-SiC Bulk Crystals"Own contribution: Poster about "Preparation of Semi-Insulating Silicon Carbide by Vanadium Doping During PVT Bulk Crystal Growth"
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2002 (IWN 2002)Aachen, Jul 22-25, 2002(no own contribution)
9. International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2001 (ICSCRM 2001)Tsukuba, Japan, Oct 28-Nov 2, 2001Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Sublimation Growth of Bulk AlN Crystals: Materials Compatibility and Crystal Quality"Own contribution: Oral presentation about "On the Preparation of Vanadium-Doped Semi-insulating SiC Bulk Crystals"Own contribution: Poster about "Incorporation of Boron and the Role of Nitrogen as a Compensation Source in SiC Bulk Crystal Growth"
European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2001 (Symposium F) (EMRS Spring 2001)Strasbourg, France, Jun 5-8, 2001Own contribution: Poster about "On the Preparation of Semi-Insulating SiC Bulk Crystals by the PVT Technique"
DGKK workshop on "III-V Semiconductors and SiC"IKZ Berlin, Mar 20-21, 2001Own contribution: Oral presentation about "Herstellung von semiisolierenden SiC-Kristallen mit dem PVT-Verfahren"
European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2000 (ECSCRM 2000)Kloster Banz, Sep 3-7, 2000Own contribution: Poster about "Study of Boron Incorporation During PVT Growth of p-type SiC Crystals"
University of Regensburg, Mar 27-31, 2000(no own contribution)
30. Annual Conference of the DGKK (DKT 2000)University of Erlangen, Mar 20-22, 2000(no own contribution)
Conferences starting with A
Conferences starting with B
Conferences starting with C
Conferences starting with D (except DGKK)
DGKK Workshops
DGKK Annual meetings
Conferences starting with E (except EMRS)
European Material Research Society Meetings
Conferences starting with F
Conferences starting with G
Conferences starting with I (except IWN, ICNS and IWCGT)
Int. Conference on Nitride Semiconductors
Int. Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology
Int. Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors
Conferences starting with M
Conferences starting with R
Conferences starting with W (except WODIL)
WODIL Annual Meetings
Conferences on Crystal Growth
Conferences on Nitride Semiconductors
Conferences on Silicon Carbide
Other topics (Materials, Characterization, Devices)
National Workshops on Crystal Growth
Workshops at Universities and Companies