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"Crystal Growth of Advanced Materials" Homepage of Prof. Dr. M. Bickermann

Research interest

  1. Melt and flux growth of oxides and fluorides for optical, piezoelectric and laser crystals, and as substrates for novel electronic devices.
  2. Growth and characterization of wide-bandgap semiconductor bulk crystals. These crystals are used as substrate material in semiconductor technology.
  3. Growth and characterization technologies, correlation between preparation and properties of bulk single crystals in a general sense.
List of publications
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Elsevier Scopus
Author ID: 24450150700

Clarivate Web of Science
Do not hesitate to ask for a manuscript reprint!
gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (Overview on granted projects) former member of the review board 406 (material science) 2020-2024
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallzüchtung und Kristallwachstum e.V. Member since 2010
Co-chair of the focus group "oxide crystals" since 2023
IGAFA e.V. Initiativ­gemeinschaft außer­univer­si­tärer Forschungs­institute in Adlershof
Member of the board since 2015
DGKK-Logo DGKK-Workshop on "Bulk semiconductor crystals"at Photonics Days Berlin, Oct 9-10, 2024
IWN 2024 logo Honululu (USA), Nov 3-8, 2024
Program committee member
DGKK-Logo German-French Annual Crystal Growth Meeting (DKT 2025), Frankfurt/Main, March 5-7, 2025
BR50-Logo Co-founder and Associate Member of Berlin Research 50
III-Nitride Ultraviolet Emitters - Technology & Applications, M. Kneissl and J. Rass (eds.), Springer Series in Material Science 227, Springer Verlag 2016 Read my Book chapter on AlN bulk crystal growth in
III-Nitride Ultraviolet Emitters, Springer Verlag 2016
Elsevier Handbook of Crystal Growth, 2nd Ed., Vol. 2A+2B Read my book chapter on bulk crystal growth of SiC and AlN in the Elsevier Handbook of Crystal Growth, 2nd Ed., Vol. 2A
Leibniz-Logo IKZ is member of the Leibniz association
Leibniz-Wissenschaftscampus GraFOx Growth and Fundamentals of Oxides for Electronic Applications
Journal of Crystal Growth JCG Editor since 2020
Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials PCGCM Assoc. Editor since 2014

Last changes on this homepage: October 1, 2024

Co-authored submissions and recent publications:

Recent abstracts and presentations:

Conference organisation: