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Exploiting the Nanostructural Anisotropy of β‑Ga2O3 to Demonstrate Giant Improvement in Titanium/Gold Ohmic ContactsM.-H. Lee, T.-S. Chou, S. B. Anooz, Z. Galazka, A. Popp, R. L. PetersonACS Nano 2022, 16, 8, 11988–11997
Synthesis of metastable Ruddlesden-Popper titanates, (ATiO3)nAO, with n >= 20 by molecular-beam epitaxyM. R. Barone, M. Jeong, N. Parker, J. Sun, D. A. Tenne, Kiyoung L, D. G. SchlomAPL Mater. 10 (2022) 091106
Machine learning supported analysis of MOVPE grown beta-Ga2O3 thin films on sapphire T. Chou, S. Bin Anooz, R. Grueneberg, N. Dropka, W. Miller, T. T. V. Tran, J. Rehm, M. Albrecht, A. Popp J. Cryst. Growth 592 (2022) 126737
Gapped Collective Charge Excitations and Interlayer Hopping in Cuprate SuperconductorsM. Hepting, M. Bejas, A. Nag, H. Yamase, N. Coppola, D. Betto, C. Falter, M. Garcia-Fernandez, S. Agrestini, Ke-Jin Zhou, M. Minola, C. Sacco, L. Maritato, P. Orgiani, H. I. Wei, K. M. Shen, D. G. Schlom, A. Galdi, A. Greco, B. KeimerPhys. Rev. Lett. 129 (2022) 047001
Tackling Disorder in γ-Ga2O3L. E. Ratcliff, T. Oshima, F. Nippert, B. M. Janzen, E. Kluth, R. Goldhahn, M. Feneberg, P. Mazzolini, O. Bierwagen, C. Wouters, M. Nofal, M. Albrecht, J. E. N. Swallow, L. A. H. Jones, P. K. Thakur, T.-L. Lee, C. Kalha, C. Schlueter, T. D. Veal, J. B. Varley, M. R. Wagner, A. RegoutzAdv. Mater. 34 (2022) 2204217
Refractory metal-based ohmic contacts on β-Ga2O3 using TiWK. Tetzner, R. Schewski, A. Popp, S. Bin Anooz, T.-S. Chou, I. Ostermay, H. Kirmse, J. WürflAPL Materials 10 (2022) 071108
A robust high-performance electronic synapse based on epitaxial ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 films with uniform polarization and high Curie temperatureY. Wang, Q. Wang, J. Zhao, T. Niermann, Y. Liu, L. Dai, K. Zheng, Y. Sun, Y. Zhang, J. Schwarzkopf, T. Schroeder, Z. Jiang, W. Ren, G. NiuApplied Materials Today 29 (2022) 101587
Si Doping Mechanism in MOVPE-grown (100) β-Ga2O3 filmsT. Chou, S. B. Anooz, R. Grüneberg, N. Dropka, J. Rehm, T. T. V. Tran, K. Irmscher, P. Seyidov, W.Miller, Z.Galazka, M. Albrecht, A. PoppAppl. Phys. Lett. 121, 032103 (2022)
Visible solid-state lasers based on Pr3+ and Tb3+H. Tanaka, S. Kalusniak, M. Badtke, M. Demesh, N. V. Kuleshov, F. Kannari, C. Kränkel a,*Progress in Quantum Electronics 84 (2022) 100411
Few-ns, kW peak power Q-switched pulses from orange and red Pr:YLF lasersM. Badtke, H. Tanaka, S. Kalusniak, M. Demesh, N. Kuleshov, C. KränkelApplied Physics Express 15 (2022) 082006
X-Band Parallel-Mode and Multifrequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of S = 1/2 Bismuth CentersJ. Haak, J. Krüger, N. V. Abrosimov, C. Helling, S. Schulz, G. E. CutsailInorg. Chem. 61 (2022) 11173–11181
Model experiments for melt flow in Czochralski growth of siliconO. Patzold, K. Dadzis, C. Kirmse, D. Weik, L. Büttner, J. Czarske, A. CharitosJ. Cryst. Growth 588 (2022) 126656
Thermal conductivity, diffusivity and specific heat capacity of as-grown, degenerate single-crystalline ZnGa2O4J. Boy, R. Mitdank, Z. Galazka, S. F. FischerMater. Res. Express 9 (2022) 065902
Development of a cryogenic In2O3 calorimeter to measure the spectral shape of 115In β-decayE. Celi, Z. Galazka, M. Laubenstein, S. Nagorny, L. Pagnanini, S. Pirro; A. Puiu Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 1033 (2022) 166682
Stability of ZnSe-passivated laser facets cleaved in air and in ultra-high vacuumJ. E. Boschker, U. Spengler, P. Ressel, M. Schmidbauer, A. Mogilatenko and A. KniggeIEEE Photonics Journal 14, 1531606 (2022)
Ultrafast element- and depth-resolved magnetization dynamics probed by transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect spectroscopy in the soft x-ray rangeM. Hennecke, D. Schick, T.Sidiropoulos, F. Willems, A. Heilmann, M. Bock, L. Ehrentraut, D. Engel, P. Hessing, B. Pfau, M. Schmidbauer, A. Furchner, M. Schnuerer, C. von Korff Schmising, and S. EisebittPhys. Rev. Research 4, L022062 (2022)
Detection of Ramsey Oscillations in Germanium Doped with Shallow Donors upon the Excitation of the 1s → 2p0 TransitionR. Kh. Zhukavin, P. A. Bushuikin, V. V. Kukotenko, Yu. Yu. Choporova, N. Deßmann, K. A. Kovalevsky, V. V. Tsyplenkov, V. V. Gerasimov, B. A. Knyazev, N. V. Abrosimov, and V. N. ShastinJournal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 116, 3 (2022) 137-143
23.5% Efficiency GaAs Solar Cells Fabricated with Low-cost, Non-vacuum ProcessingP. R. Jahelka, H. A. Atwater, A. Ptak, C. Frank-Rotsch, F. Kiessling, C. Went, M. Kelzenberg,2022 IEEE 49th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (PVSC)
Stability of ZnSe-Passivated Laser Facets Cleaved in Air and in Ultra-High Vacuum J. E. Boschker , U. Spengler, P. Ressel, M. Schmidbauer, A. Mogilatenko, A. KniggeIEEE Photonics J. 14 (2022) 1531606