The Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ) in Berlin-Adlershof is an international state-of-the-art competence center for science & technology as well as service & transfer for innovations in and by crystalline materials. The R&D spectrum thereby ranges from basic over applied research activities up to pre-industrial research tasks.
Crystalline materials are key technology enabling components to provide electronic and photonic solutions to today´s and future challenges in society such as artificial intelligence (communication, mobility etc.), energy (renewable energies, power conversion etc.) and health (medical diagnosis, modern surgical instruments etc.).
The IKZ provides innovations in crystalline materials on account of its combined in-house expertise on plant engineering, numerical simulation and crystal growth, enabling it to achieve highest-quality crystalline materials with tailored properties.
Nanostructures, thin films and volume crystals are investigated, the latter being the unique selling point of the institute. Cutting-edge theoretical and experimental materials science know-how is a strong asset for IKZ´s R&D activities.
Together with partners from institutes with technology platforms as well as industry companies, the institute will in future also drive innovation by crystalline materials, namely the reliable evaluation and benchmarking of innovative crystalline prototype materials for disruptive technology approaches.
The crystal growth process, simply explained.