Strategic Science Management

The transfer of knowledge and technology simplifies access to the latest development results for industry and external partners. In addition to basic research, the successful transfer of our results into application is the ultimate aim of our work. There are various options available to interested parties. These include, for example, the transfer of know-how or the licensing of patented inventions and technologies.

We also work with schools or other research institutions to share our knowledge and services with a wider community.

For inquiries or further information on our range of services, please contact us.

The science management supports research and technology development at the Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ) in many ways. This unit represents the bridge between basic and applied research carried out at the IKZ and industry as well as the general public.

We are the contact partner for interested parties from research and industry for knowledge and technology transfer and the scientific and technical services of the institute.

For inquiries or further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The map shows companies, research institutes and universities, which are active in the field of crystal growth: growth of bulk crystals, epitaxial growth, characterization, postprocessing, device production, equipment producer, distribution, raw materials. Only information that is publicly available was processed for this purpose.
Interactive map

This is an atlas of the European competences in crystal growth.

It was jointly created by IKZ, DGKK and ENCG.   It was set up also to support the European initiative AMI2030 for Advanced Materials. Another aspect is to find possible partner for joint projects.

If you have questions or you want your institution to be added to the map please contact

Dr. Maike Schröder

Dr. Maike Schröder

Ph. +49 30 246 499 107