
The scientists of the Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung are involved in the field of academic education. They hold lectures at various educational institutions. They supervise doctoral, bachelor's and master's thesis at the institute, at universities and colleges.

In addition, we supervise doctoral, bachelor's and master's theses directly at the institute or at the corresponding universities and colleges. Please send your initiative application with the usual documents to the personnel department or directly to the respective contact person of the department you are interested in.

You can find job offers here.

Teaching in summer semester 2023

Experiments/measurements on crystal growth and structures

Dr. Frank-Michael Kießling
Lectures for pupils (held in German)
Crystal-Laboratory, Lise-Meitner-Schule Berlin

X-Ray Scattering: Basics and Applications in Materials Science

PD Dr. Martin Schmidbauer
Lecture at the Department of Physics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Lecture scripts as PDF files

Kristallzüchtung I: Grundlagen und Methoden

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Bickermann
Lecture at the Department of Chemistry
Technische Universität Berlin (held in German)

(For further information please click on "Register as guest" at the link above - no login required)

IKZ Summer and Winter Schools

IKZ Summer Schools

focus on an academically interested research audience in the field of advanced Master students. PhD students and Postdocs.

15th IKZ Summer School 2023
"Polar Piezoelectric Oxides"

14th IKZ Summer School 2022
"Dynamics and Processes in Crystalline Materials | Time resolved electron and X-ray studies"

13th IKZ Summer School 2021
"Oxides for Electronic Applications"

12th IKZ Summer School 2020
"Fundamentals of Vapor-Phase Thin Film Deposition"

11th IKZ Summer School 2019
"Quantum Computing as a Material Challange"

10th IKZ Summer School 2018
"Solid-State Lasers"



IKZ Winter Schools

also serve to inform an industrial audience about new developments in the research and development of crystalline materials and to train colleagues with professional experience.

5. IKZ Winter School 2023
"Materials Platforms and Device Technology for Power Electronics"

4. IKZ Winter School 2022
"Machine Learning in Materials Science & Crystal Growth"

3. IKZ Winter School 2021
"Layer Transfer Technologies – from artificial crystals to novel applications"

2. IKZ Winter School 2020
"Synergy of Experimental and Numerical Studies for Crystal Growth of Bulk Semiconductors"

1. IKZ Winter School 2019
"International Lectures on Crystal Growth - Methods, Thermodydnamics, Kinetics, Transport, Defects"