are indispensable for excellent research and development work.
With its expertise and many years of experience in the field of crystalline solids, the Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ) is part of numerous regional, national and international networks and collaborative research projects.
The international innovation platform connects experts in the field of quantum photonics from research and industry across Europe. The network is dedicated to the development of novel products and technologies along the entire value chain and to transfer them from research into applications.
FAIR-DI is aiming for building a worldwide data infrastructure for big data from material science, engineering, and astronomy, applying the FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable.
The LEGEND Collaboration
The Legend Collaboration aims to resolve the question if neutrinos are their own antiparticles. Detectors from high-purity germanium play a decisive role in this long-term research project.
The Leibniz ScienceCampus “Growth and Fundamentals of Oxides for electronic applications” combines the work and expertise of its five Berlin-based partner institutions in the field of oxide research.
the scientific network of non-university research institutions located in the technology park Berlin Adlershof. It promotes interdisciplinary co-operation and supports public understanding of science.
is a consortium of industrial companies and academic institutions that aims to push the technical development, availability and use of UV LEDs.
The European Network of Crystal Growth is a network of national groups and associations in the field of crystal growth and epitaxy. It aims to strengthen and support the crystal growth community in Europe.
is the competence network of companies and scientific institutions for optical technologies and microsystems engineering in the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg.
is a scientific union adhering to the International Science Council. It promotes international cooperation and the relations of crystallography with other sciences.
The "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallzüchtung und Kristallwachstum e. V." supports research, education and technology in the fields of crystallography, crystal growth and epitaxy.
The "International Organization for Crystal Growth" is an association of national communities of scientists working in the field of crystal growth.
The European Energy Research Alliance is a large membership-based, non-profit energy research community of 250 universities and public research centres in 30 european countries. It focuses on low-carbon technologies.
connects 96 independent research institutions that range in focus from natural, engineering and environmental sciences to economics, spatial and social sciences and the humanities.