
News | 09-07-2019

IKZ successfully evaluated

In its funding recommendation, the senate of the Leibniz Association attests the Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ) in Berlin a positive development and recommends the Joint Science Conference (GWK) to continue funding the institute as a Leibniz institution.

Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung in Berlin-Adlershof

Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung in Berlin-Adlershof

The Leibniz senate concurs with the positive evaluation report of the international expert commission that visited the institute in December 2018. The reviewers emphasize that the Institute maintained its leading international position in the fields of science & technology and service & transfer for crystalline materials during the past evaluation period. In order to further expand this leading position, the international panel of experts explicitly supports the planned strategy - expansion of the IKZ. The Institute plans to close a central innovation gap in the field of innovative crystalline materials for future applications in electronics and photonics by intensifying prototype research and development.

The IKZ is looking forward to working on these future scientific-technological challenges and thanks the members of the Evaluation Commission for their committed, prudent and outstanding work within the framework of the IKZ Leibniz Evaluation 2018.

The complete statement of the senate on the evaluation of the IKZ is available for download.


Background to the evaluation:

Each institution in the Leibniz Association is evaluated externally every 7 years usually. An international review panel evaluates the research strategy as well as the scientific achievements of the institute on the basis of written documents. During an evaluation visit on site, the committee is then convinced of the quality of the work performed in a direct discussion and records the results in an evaluation report. On this basis, the senate of the Leibniz Association decides whether the Federal Government and the Federal States recommend further Leibniz funding for the institution.



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