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Ferroelectric phase transitions in multi-domain K0.9Na0.1NbO3 epitaxial thin filmsL. Bogula, Leonard von Helden, Carsten Richter, Michael Hanke, Jutta Schwarzkopf and Martin SchmidbauerNano Futures 4 (2020) 035005
Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer and Thermal Stress at the Czochralski Growth of Neodymium Scandate Single CrystalsK. Böttcher, Wolfram Miller, Steffen GanschowCryst. Res. Technol. 56 (2020) 2000106
Thermoelastic anisotropy in NdScO3 and NdGaO3 perovskitesC. Hirschle, J. Schreuer, S. Ganschow, L. PetersMaterials Chemistry and Physics 254 (2020) 123528
UV-pumped visible Tb3+-lasersS. Kalusniak, H. Tanaka, E. Castellano-Hernandez, AND C. KrankelOptics Letters 45 (22) (2020) 6170-6173
Raman scattering in heavily donor doped β- Ga2O3A. Fiedler, M. Ramsteiner, Z. Galazka, and K. IrmscherAppl. Phys. Lett. 117 (2020) 152107
Characterization of Mono-Crystalline and Multi-Crystalline Silicon by the Extended Lateral Photovoltage Scanning and Scanning PhotoluminescenceI. Buchovska, Anke Lüdge, Wolfgang Lüdge, and Frank M. KiesslingECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 9 (2020) 086001
Extraction of Classification Rules from Sequences of Crystal Growth DataR. Busa, Y. Dauxais, S. Ecklebe, N. Dropka, M. HolenaProceedings of the 20th Conference Information Technologies - Applications and Theory - ITAT 2020, Oravská Lesná, Slovakia,18-22 sept 2020, p.99-105
Behavior of Phosphorus Donors in Bulk Single-Crystal Monoisotopic 28Si1-x72Gex AlloysA. A. Ezhevskii, P. G. Sennikov, D. V. Guseinov, A. V. Soukhorukov, E. A. Kalinina, and N. V. AbrosimovSemiconductors, 54 (9) (2020) 1123–1126
In-plane growth of germanium nanowires on nanostructured Si(001)/SiO2 substratesF. Lange, Owen Ernst, Thomas Teubner, Carsten Richter, Martin Schmidbauer, Ociler Skibitzki, Thomas Schroeder, Peer Schmidt, and Torsten BoeckNano Futures 4 (2020) 035006
Higher-order Zeeman effect of Mg-related donor complexes in siliconS. G. Pavlov, D. L. Kamenskyi, Yu. A. Astrov, V. B. Shuman, L. М. Portsel, A. N. Lodygin, N. V. Abrosimov, H. Engelkamp, A. Marchese, and H.-W. HübersPHYSICAL REVIEW B 102 (2020) 115205
Suitability of binary oxides for molecularbeam epitaxy source materials: A comprehensive thermodynamic analysisK.-M. Adkinson, Shun-Li Shang, Brandon J. Bocklund, Detlef Klimm, Darrel C. Schlom, and Zi-Kui LiuAPL Materials 8, 081110 (2020)
Aluminium self-diffusion in high-purity a-Al2O3: Comparison of Ti-doped and undoped single crystalsP. Fielitz, Steffen Ganschow, Klemens Kelm, Günter BorchardtActa Materialia 195 (2020) 416-424
Investigation of Au droplet formation and growth of SixGe1-x nanowires by molecular beam epitaxyF. Lange, Owen C. Ernst, Thomas Teubner and Torsten BoeckCrystEngComm 22 (2020) 6322
Brillouin zone center phonon modes in ZnGa2O4M. Stokey, Rafał Korlacki, Sean Knight, Matthew Hilfiker, Zbigniew Galazka, Klaus Irmscher, Vanya Darakchieva, and Mathias SchubertAppl. Phys. Lett. 117 (2020) 052104
Transition-metal-doped saturable absorbers for passive Q-switching of visible lasersH. Tanaka, Christian Kränkel, and Fumihiko KannariOptical Materials Express 10 (8) (2020) 1827-1842
Frequency Tuning of Terahertz Stimulated Emission under the Intracenter Optical Excitation of Uniaxially Stressed Si:BiR. Kh. Zhukavin, K. A. Kovalevsky, S. G. Pavlov, N. Deßmann, A. Pohl, V. V. Tsyplenkov,N. V. Abrosimov, H. Riemann, H.-W. Hübers, and V.N. ShastinSemiconductors, 54(8) (2020) 969–974
Influence of impurities from SiC and TiC crucible cover on directionally solidified siliconN. Dropka, Iryna Buchovska, Ulrich Degenhardt, Frank M.KiesslingJournal of Crystal Growth 542 (2020) 125692
Semiconductor scintillator development: Pure and doped β-Ga2O3W. Drozdowski, Michał Makowski, Marcin E.Witkowski, Andrzej J.Wojtowicz, RobertSchewski, Klaus Irmscher, ZbigniewGalazkaOptical Materials 105 (2020) 109856
Kinetic Monte Carlo model for homoepitaxial growth of Ga2O3W. Miller, Dennis Meiling, Robert Schewski, Andreas Popp, Saud Bin Anooz, and Martin AlbrechtPhys. Rev. Research 2 (2020) 033170
GaAs solar cells grown on intentionally contaminated GaAs substratesJ. Simon, Christiane Frank-Rotsch, Karoline Stolze, Matthew Young, Myles A. Steiner, Aaron J. PtakJournal of Crystal Growth 541 (2020) 125668